


I love a good forbidden romance. And The Vow has been my favorite to write.

Looking forward to a second chance romance about a naive New Yorker and her best friend’s brother and new roommate’s beau?

READ MORE about The Vow below by taking a peek at this EXCLUSIVE EXCERPT:


I never wanted anything more than I wanted Brett James Jackson.

And when you were fourteen and lonely, stuck in the middle of your parents’ lengthy (and very public) divorce, you wantedย lotsย of things. Normalcy, being number one. A friend, maybe–if you were lucky. And I had two very good ones.

But it took more than two good friends to solve a broken heart. Obviously. But more than those, you wanted–no, hoped–that your tomorrow would be better, that your parents would magically wake up and discover that they loved each other (and maybe you, by extension). And maybe–just maybe–you hoped you would have the family you always dreamed about, the family your friends had, the life you knew could never be yours.

You certainly didn’t wish forย this. A massive red stain on your favorite white shirts, split down the middle where the rest of the school could see.

The other thing you wanted most on a day like today?

To disappear. And pretend that this week, the day, this period (no pun intended) had never happened. I close my eyes and squeeze the rest of the tears out. My fists squeeze with them as my best friend Kayla shoves her phone into my face, the picture on the screen in front of me morphing as the salty water behind my eyes blurs my vision. I blink them back.

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