‘Sleeping 🛌 with the Enemy’, Sultry Book Gifts, + A Giveaway: A February Newsletter
Hey all! To kick off the week’s newsletter right, I thought I’d offer you some of my Sunday-morning pajama-wear procrastination in the form of giveaways, book gifts, and a bit about something I’m currently working on getting into your hands.
But first, a story to set the scene…
Do you know the background tale behind Cupid’s arrow?
It is said that hundreds of years before the start of our time, the Greek god of love, Eros (or Cupid), nicknamed “the little one” by his mother Venus, was purported to be the matchmaker of gods and mortals alike, sometimes leaving mayhem in his wake. Eros was said to shoot potential lovers with arrows that would, as the story goes, turn their hearts into flames that could only be satisfied with each other.
This is the story of Cupid we all know and love, the story that gets told every Valentine’s Day and every year for centuries as we celebrate love and romance.
But there is also another, darker side to the story of Cupid’s arrows. As you may already know, love, like many other things, can be a little bit dirty.
Did you know that Cupid could also shoot arrows of “aversion” into the hearts of people as well? These arrows, that is, which were said to fly from Cupid’s bow with such speed and power, that they could change their target into the object of the armed emotion. And, like the arrows of love, the effects were said to be instantaneous.
It’s weird, isn’t it? Love. Hate. They often seem like opposing forces that battle for supremacy, but they’re really not so different.
Which is probably why we love Enemies to Lovers in the first place.
It is a fantasy, of course. You know that it’s a fantasy. But the fantasy is so attractive, irresistible, powerful. We imagine that our enemies could be so secretly so full of love for us that they would gladly throw themselves in front of the bullets that we were about to shoot them with.
Which is why I’m so excited to share what I’ve got coming up next, which is basically this…
– More about Sabrina + Lachlan’s story in THE DEBT, a Manhattan Nights suspenseful, angsty, twisty story with massive I-hate-to-love-you energy. (A story whose release date I will be announcing VERY SOON)
– A FREE book gift where two characters find love where they least expect it
– An exclusive VIP giveaway for readers who like their couples ready to pounce on each other (in both the good and bad ways)
– Plus a bit about how to find your soul mate (or at least a HUGE reminder of how to do so)
If you haven’t joined the Wrye on the Rocks VIP list yet, now would be a great time to do so. This week’s VIP letter is going to be hotter than ever–and the stories mentioned are all awesome, will-make-your-heart-skip-a-beat faves of mine.
So let’s get to it, shall we?