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Ted Lasso ⚽️, Romance Heroines + a Massive Book Surprise: An April Newsletter

It’s been a month since the last Wrye on the Rocks VIP letter, but I came back to the VIP Romance letters with TWO new ones these last few weeks to keep us entertained as we headed into May! Recently, I’ve been editing, writing and watching as much as Ted Lasso as I can.

And while I’ve been doing all three of these, I’ve been diving headfirst into writing one type of character in particular…

The bad-ass romance heroine.

Mostly, because she has always been my favorite type of character to write. But also because, for all the love this character can get from one side of readers, she often gets hell from the other side of readers.

And, given how much I love writing these kinds of characters, I wanted to address those people out there (you know who you are) who sneer at this character type…and tell you why they shouldn’t.

Buckle up, kiddos: This is where I get on my high-horse about my love for romance heroines and this is where I share my thoughts on why the bad-ass heroine is not only one of my favorite types of characters, but why I also think she’s a hero we need more of in love stories.

And in addition to sharing that, I’m also sharing a massive book surprise I have for you.

One that I think will make your weekend just that little bit more exciting, and may just swing you over to the badass side of romance books forever. 😊

And as always, you can write me back to let me know what you thought about this week’s letter. Or if you have any questions for me that I may have missed.

If you’re not on my VIP list, make sure you join now so that you never miss one! And if you have ever wanted to ask me a question, this is one way you can pencil me in. 😉

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